Obligation For Business Entities On The Portal Of The Tax Administration

September 19, 2022

Obligation for business entities to be registered on the e-Government (eUprava) web site

Increasing digitalisation and automation have influenced the amendment of Article 21 of the Companies act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Nos. 36/2011, 99/2011, 83/2014 – Other Law, 5/2015, 44/2018, 95/2018, 91/2019, and 109/2021) (hereinafter: CA or the Law), which mandates that business entity (companies and sole trader) register on the e-government web site, in addition to the previous requirement for registering the business entity’s e-mail.

This change brings the CA into line with the Electronic Government Law, whose Article 40 requires public authorities to deliver official documents to clients electronically, including into the Single Electronic Inbox for users of e-government services, except were otherwise provided for by other regulations.

In addition, Article 15 of the Electronic Government Law permits private individuals and businesses to use e-government services once registered, which allows them to access their Single Electronic Inbox.

This innovation is certain to accelerate service of process by public authorities and applications from business entities.

Registration of business entities is done on the website www.euprava.gov.rs, in two ways:

1. by username and password – when business entity logging to the eUprava portal, therefore, the username and password is required; or

2. by qualified electronic certificate of the legal representative – during each logging on the eUprava portal, a qualified electronic certificate of the legal representative is required;
The mentioned provision, which refers to the registration of all business entities on the eUprava portal, is applied after the expiration of 18 months from the day the amendments to the Law enter into force, all so that the entities have time to register.

We note that the Law did not provide penal provisions in case of failure to register on the eUprava portal.

Lomina 20, Belgrade
+381 67 746 41 08



*Company Name: 247 BUSINESS SUPPORT DOO *Company Number: 21826600 *Tax Identification Number: 113223196

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